Standardized Botanical Herbal Extract

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    Amla Extract, Emblica officinalis

    We are a leading Manufacturers, Exporters and Wholesaler of Amla Extract in Mumbai, India.

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    Ashwagandha Root Dry Extract, Withania Somnifera

    We are Withania Somnifera Manufacturer, Supplier & Wholesaler in Mumbai, India.

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    Black Pepper Extract (Piperine), Pepper Nigrum

    We are a Leading Manufacturers, Exporters and Wholesaler of Adhatoda Vasica in Mumbai, India.

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    Boswellia Serrata, Sallai guggal

    Boswellia Serrata known as Indian frankincense, it is a tree resin well known for its medicinal properties.

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    Amaltas Dry Extract, Cassia Fistula

    This Extract get from the cassia fistula tree, is revered for its diverse medicinal properties.

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    Colues Forskohlii, Garmalu

    Coleus Forskohlii is also known as Garmalu and is perennial plant native in India.

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    Turmeric Extract, Curcuma Longa

    Curcuma Longa is known as turmeric and is a perennial plant native to south asia especially in India and Indonesia

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    Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Goraka / kokam

    Officinale is commonly known as Ginger. It is precious for its culinary and medicinal properties.

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    Ginger Extract (Zingiber Officinale)

    Zingiber Officinale is commonly known as Ginger. It is precious for its culinary and medicinal properties.

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    Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis)

    Camellia Sinensis is known as the tea plant. Its can be used to produce tea from leaves, leaf buds and stems.

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    Gymnema Sylvestre, Gurmar

    Modern research suggests it may have health benefits for diabetes management and weight loss when incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.

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    Cephaelis Ipcecacuanha Liquid Extract

    Aloe Vera is a succulent plant is gratuity for its benefits on medicinal and skincare.

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    Lutein Extract, Tagetes Erecta

    Lutein Extract is extracted from marigold flowers, and is well known for its gainful effects on eye health.

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    Zeaxanthin Extract, Tagetes Erecta L.

    We are a leading Zeaxanthin Extract manufacturer, exporter and wholesaler in Mumbai, India.

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    Policosanol (Octacosanol),

    Octacosanal is used to improve exercise performance including strength, stamina and reaction time.

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    Psyllium Husk, Ispaghula, Plantago Ovata

    Its well known for its ability to aid digestion by absorbing water and bulking up stool.

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    Senna Leaf Extract, Cassia Angustifolia

    In herbal medicines, it's frequently used to ease constipation and encourage bowelb movements.

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    Spirulina Powder, Arthrospira platensis

    properties and may helps to reduce blood pressure, decrease high cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and boost oral health.

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    TribulusTerrestria, Gokhru

    This plant is recognized for its spiky fruit and widespread presence in warmer climates.

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    Shilajit Extract

    We are a leading Shilajit Extract manufacturer, exporter and wholesaler in Mumbai, India